September Newsletter: Euphoric Fun Vibes

Euphoric Fun Vibes

Do you ever find yourself wondering have my fun-having skills atrophied? Well, I do. It could be a “stage of life” thing or a “time in history” thing, but most likely, it’s an all of it thing. We are all (busy pretending to be) grown ups now, and it’s easy to forget to have fun.

I wanted to remember. So last month, I did what I do with every new habit I’m trying to adopt: I put it on my to-do list.

I know I know… Talking about my to-do list absolutely makes me sound like a person who does not know how to have fun. But I promise having the word “ENJOY” written down on my list of priorities has been a big shift.

I hadn’t yet checked off my daily “enjoy” task on the afternoon I discovered the New York Times “Am I Fun?” quiz by Jessica Bennett and Frank Augugliaro. It seemed like a good chance to get the fun done.

I love quizzes. I think they’re… fun.

The quiz told my introvert friend she was “Low-Key” and enjoyed people watching and reading. It told my extrovert husband he was “Social” and slayed at karaoke. Both assessments were spot on. They are both fun people in very different ways.

On that particular day, I was pretty sure my own quiz results would be: “Crabby Recluse Who Lurks in Shadows and Frightens Neighborhood Children.”

I took the quiz anyway. When it asked me if I “like piña coladas and getting caught in the rain,” I answered honestly. Yes.

A few clicks later, the quiz congratulated me on being…



It further told me “All of your favorite songs are by the Black Eyed Peas.”

Naturally, I clicked “play again” to see if I would get a different result. (No offense, Black Eyed Peas.)

But the very act of playing again only further proves the quiz’s findings because playing is something Euphoric person is wont to do. Afterall, my to-do list has been calling out me to remember how to play again.

Consistent with first round, the quiz still accused me of being “Euphoric.”

This was confusing. I’ve sighed with relief when social plans are canceled, I’ve panicked at the sight of a chatty neighbor, I’ve cringed over lawn games. These all seem like things a non-euphoric person would do.

It occurs to me now: I don’t have to like all the things all the time. Having some moody days does not define my character.

Okay. Fine. Do I enjoy a Black Eyed Peas song on occasion? Yes, on occasion. And on that occasion, I enjoy a Black Eyed Peas song a lot.

In recent times, fun was often out of reach (or possibly inappropriate). But there’s still fun to be had.

If you’re even a little curious to take the quiz yourself, that means you know there’s fun inside you. Would a Crabby Recluse Who Lurks in Shadows and Scares Neighborhood Children even bother adding “Enjoy” to her daily checklist? I think not.

It’s impossible (and unhealthy) to be in a “woooohooo!” state every moment of every day, and I appreciate the reminders that I still have access to “woooohooo!”

We all do.

Don’t forget! Put it on your to-do list to “woohoo” or, at the very least, “enjoy.”

Play again.

Did you take this quiz? What was your result? Email me!

love, Suzanne


I watch this 90-second video when I need a quick boost. It’s a lot of artistry packed into a short burst of joy.

Originally created and posted in 2020, it’s a good reminder to keep creating even when things aren’t going so great.

That’s when the world needs artists.


In Show Your Work!, Austin Kleon serves up insight on creativity and collaboration with clarity and cleverness.

It makes a great gift for any creative person who needs a nudge (especially if that creative person is you).


I had a lot of fun compiling the soundtrack for Brunch and Other Obligations for last month’s newsletter, so I thought I’d let the good times roll…

There was a time in my life when making someone a mix tape was the greatest gesture of friendship I knew. And now I make playlists on Spotify.

Here you go, my friend.

It’s a Euphoric Fun Vibes Mix Tape just for you. And you don’t even have to rewind it.



Social Media and I are (still) on a break.


I have been taking a break from social media and I’m in no hurry to return.

But please stay in touch here.

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Thanks for reading!


© 2022 Character Development, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Suzanne Nugent